The Back Cover of From Fear to Freedom

Hitler had lost the war. His loyalists sought hiding in foreign countries. The Nuernberg trials exposed their devilish deeds to a shocked world. At Potsdam the Allies divided the Fatherland into four zones as Germans, hated by all nations, began rebuilding their devastated land.

There have been few reports about the suffering Germans had to endure after the war. The peace treaty, while giving hope to the West Germans, did not alleviate suffering for millions of East German refugees, forced from their homes by the Soviets. Starving and exhausted, few survived the treks during the harsh winter. Bodies of all ages littered frozen ditches, a toll of the elements and a sacrifice of Naziism which most of them had not supported.

Emmy Guddat and her four children managed to arrive in the West despite near starvation and bodies riddled with boils only to move from one refugee camp to another. With God's help she had survived sixteen months of communism as told in the award-winning book "Refuge." With His help she would also survive the abusive West Germans who considered refugees scum and dirt. God preserved the entire family, including the father whose whereabouts were not known for over three years.

In this true account, Liane Guddat Brown completes a bridge between the Berlin refugee camp, the place where her first book "Refuge" ends, and the new home in the United States of America. The span is replete with starvation, heartache, fear, and search for relatives and freedom.

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