About This Class

Class 302R

Recorded iProcess Class Cohorts

Are you discouraged, anxious, depressed, or burned out?
Are you floundering in your purpose, meaning, worth, or value?
Are you having difficulty finding your direction and place in the world?
Does Christianity have no demonstratable impact on your life?
Does Christ seem to be distant?
Are you struggling with your power to live?

iProcess Recorded Class Cohorts 302R invites you to address your taxing issues and experience the peace of God through developing your identity in Christ, cultivating intimacy with Christ, and gratefully living out your love for Christ. Observing group participation will enable you to apply the truths you learn to become more solidified in your identity in Christ.


iProcess Recorded Class Cohorts 302R will challenge you to embrace your identity in Christ which creates intimacy with Christ and compels your industry for Christ. Recorded cohort sessions will direct your focus to a relevant relationship with Jesus Christ.


As a result of taking this course, participants will:

1.    Consider the significance of identity in Christ based on embracing God’s perspective while observing archived cohort sessions.

2.    Develop an identity in Christ that creates intimacy with Christ through recorded cohort sessions.

3.    Demonstrate grateful love for God through compelled industry as a result of insights gained while watching cohort sessions.


  • At least 12 hours of recorded cohort interactions over 8 weeks (each session 1.5 hours). Recordings will be added with each new session.
  • Listening to the processing and answering questions concerning the content of iProcess: identity in Christ, intimacy with Christ, industry for Christ.
  • Recorded discussions regarding Insight Journal responses and blocks to spiritual development.
  • Observing group participation for a deeper understanding.
  • Personal application of God’s character and the impact of my relationship with Him.

NOTE: This class is NOT eligible for a Certificate of Completion to be applied toward Biblical Church Counselor training.

Choose iProcess LIVE Class Cohort 302 if you would like to participate in group interactions and personal mentoring. iProcess LIVE Class Cohort 302 is eligible for a Certificate of Completion to be applied toward Biblical Church Counselor training.

*Choose the iProcess LIVE Class Cohort 302 BUNDLE to receive the eBook AND videos along with access to the iProcess Class Cohort discussions and mentoring AND iProcess Recorded Class Cohorts 302R .

Meet your teachers: Kirk and Melanie Lewis

For decades, Kirk and Melanie Lewis have ministered as a team, challenging people to an authentic relationship with Jesus Christ. As counselors, they are committed to using Biblical principles to facilitate healing and liberate weary souls from emotional bondage. Their counsel is founded upon the belief that Jesus Christ is the center of well-being and that the Bible is the authority. Through the consistent application of Biblical truths, they have fostered a community of compassionate caregivers who strive to point others to find Christ relevant to every area of life. 

Desperately Dependent Community exists to engage and encourage Christian leaders to find Christ relevant to every area of life. It’s a genuine struggle in this sinful world, even for those in Christian leadership positions. Culture seduces us to seek solutions to ease our pain. But still, we end up feeling that something is missing. The passion of DDCommunity is to promote Christ as the solution to every issue.


This course has enriched my understanding of my relationship with Christ. The iProcess breaks down, into bite size pieces the steps needed to understand who we are and our purpose in life. The course is chocked full of truth presented through scripture. If someone wants to gain insight into what the Bible says about why you have breath, I would recommend this program.

– Misty

I have come to realize, now that we have finished this 8 week study, that iProcess is the result of living desperately dependent on Christ!

The iProcess took me deeper with such a beautiful and foundational explanation of what identity is in the first chapter of the curriculum. I really felt as if the Lord had a hold of my hand and after saying to me, I made you for Me, you are mine, when you connect your heart to mine intimately, this is what your life is going to look like!

Each chapter seemed to bring a fresh encounter with the Lord and an understanding of the truth of who He is personally to me through the thought provoking insight journal questions. I also came to realize through the iProcess that no part of this process can be manufactured. When you find your identity in Christ allowing Him to define who you are, the natural response is intimacy. As I have intimately connected with who He is to me and who I am with Him living through me, I have wanted to shout from the rooftop what He has done in my life and the peace and joy that He has brought me!

A huge takeaway for me with the iProcess is that we are incapable of being independent. If we are not dependent on God, we will be dependent on something. It's only God who has the ability to be independent. It dawned on me through this study that I must understand who I am in relation to who God is. To come to terms with the truth that He is the only One who can assign my worth and value will require of me a humble spirit and a surrendered heart!

Christ is my reconciliation. I am a friend of God. Therefore, my eyes have been opened to the truth of who God is and through Christ, I can share God's truth with others. Sharing God's truth by my actions and my words in any situation that He places me in is my industry part of the iProcess!! Although some of my life situations are not what I would choose, ------ "when I focus on God with a correct view of Him, I see myself as He sees me, which then determines my reason for living" (iProcess by J. Kirk and Melanie D. Lewis) -----

I am forever grateful for this study that the Lord led Kirk and Melanie to record in written form. I believe that anyone who wants to have a deeper understanding of their plan and purpose for this life would benefit from this study. I also believe that anyone who finds themselves stuck in a joyless life would majorly benefit from this study along with Kirk and Melanie's Desperate Dependency book.

– Theresa

This class was a great follow-up to the Desperate Dependency class. I feel that it broke down the principles learned in both classes into a more detailed and more easily applicable format for everyday life. It was mentioned in our last meeting that the iProcess class could be considered a road map. I absolutely agree. Just like a road map, it makes it easy to see where you may have made a wrong turn and are no longer walking in God's will, but may have stepped off the path He set before you and struck out on your own. I loved the short daily readings too. This made the class very doable no matter how hectic your schedule may be. The things learned through taking this class are invaluable. 

– Mindy

I believe the potential practical applications to the Christian walk found within the iProcess are nearly limitless. I believe this to be true because I see within the iProcess a practical exegesis of how faith and works come together in the way that is pleasing to God. A living faith is essential to the Christian life for without a living faith it is impossible to please God (Heb. 11:6), and faith without works is dead (Jam. 2:26). This means that the Biblical truths expounded on through the iProcess are deep, rich, and filled with inherent power sufficient to experience the fullness of life in Christ as we walk in faith evidenced by works pleasing to God. Because of this depth and richness, the best way to glean all that God has for you in this study is to participate in the 302 Class Cohort. The Class Cohort discussion and processing, expounds upon the weekly readings by means of the various spiritual gifts represented, which lends itself to a fuller understanding than could ever be experienced by studying the material individually. If you want to gain more wisdom and spiritual understanding relating to a living faith evidenced by works pleasing to God, then get the iProcess book and take the 202 iProcess Class. If you want to experience the power of Christ living and working through his Body, the Church, to produce his likeness within you during your study, then the 302 Class Cohort is a must!!

– Kevin

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