Preview of the Introduction of Biblical Church Counseling course
Today’s Christian believer needs to understand the relevance of Jesus in their life. Too often, people face problems because Christ is missing. How does He make a demonstrable difference in the dilemmas we are facing?
Biblical Church Counseling is designed to meet this need within the local church. If you have considered becoming a counselor or having a counseling ministry in your church, we have created the Introduction to Biblical Church Counseling 404 course to help you think through important issues.
This course will explore the foundational principles of Biblical Church Counseling to understand the framework for offering spiritual guidance and support within a church setting. We’ll delve into the roles and responsibilities of a Biblical Church Counselor, examining the delicate balance of cultural expectations and biblical standards as we provide counsel. As we proceed, we will also investigate legal and ethical considerations that arise in church-based counseling. With timeless biblical truths, this course equips you with the tools to offer hope, healing, and direction to those in your church who are seeking assistance.
The Introduction of Biblical Church Counseling 404 will present the foundational principles of Biblical Church Counseling, enabling counselors to freely help individuals within the church to find Christ relevant to their pressing issues.
As a result of taking this course, participants will:
1. Articulate an understanding of Biblical Church Counseling.
2. Distinguish Biblical Church Counseling from other counseling philosophies and theories.
3. Apply biblical ethics to cultural issues.