About This Class

Class 301R

Recorded Desperate Dependency Class Cohorts

Do you feel like something is missing in your life?

Do you have problems and issues that don’t seem to have a solution?

Have people, positions, and possessions disappointed you?

Do you feel like you are floundering in your relationship with Christ? Or perhaps you have no relationship with Christ.

What difference is there in your life because you say you are a Christian? Have you realized that you cannot successfully live independently from Jesus? Have you discovered His divine enablement that produces personal empowermentChrist wants to be relevant to every area of your life. Will you let Him? Will you be desperately dependent?

When you look around, and perhaps if you look within, you can easily find people who seem desperate as they depend on a variety of creative solutions to experience satisfaction and fill the void in their hearts. Unfortunately, even Christians fail to recognize God’s design of a relationship that is desperately dependent on Jesus to complete their lives.

Our heavenly Father has designed us for a relationship that is desperately dependent on Jesus. Only when we embrace this relationship will we find satisfaction and a way to fill the void in our hearts.

Desperate Dependency identifies the deceptions we believe and points our searching souls to Christ, the only One who is relevant and sufficient to deal with the intricacies of life’s problems and pain. As we submit to His purpose of transforming us into the image of Christ, we will experience His promised fruit including love, joy, and peace.

Desperate Dependency challenges you to:

  • Evaluate the means you seek to be complete.
  • Understand that God’s design offers the only solution for experiencing fulfillment.
  • Move into a transforming relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • Embrace God’s design of living beyond yourself.
  • Reorganize your life while finding Christ relevant to every area of living.
  • Complete the Insight Journal designed to help you connect with God in a deeper way.
  • Be guided through Psalms Prayer Patterns to communicate with God.

Desperate Dependency Recorded Class Cohorts 301R invites you to find Christ as the relevant solution to all your issues so that you may experience His love, joy, and peace with the aid of a live mentoring cohort.

Desperate Dependency Recorded Class Cohorts 301R is an excellent option if you would like to study at your own pace or with your small group.


Desperate Dependency Recorded Class Cohorts 301R will challenge participants to mature in a desperately dependent relationship with Christ so that they find Him relevant to every issue of life through observing cohort mentoring sessions.


As a result of taking this course, participants will:

1.    Develop a deeper understanding of problemsChrist is missingthrough recorded cohort and mentoring interactions.

2.    Discover the alternate solution to problemsChrist is relevantas a result of observing interpersonal interactions in recorded cohort sessions.

3.    Mature in dependencyChrist is enoughthrough insights gained while observing cohort and mentoring sessions.


  • At least 22.5 hours of recorded cohort interaction over 15 weeks for each class (each session 1.5 hours). Recordings will be added with each new session.
  • Listening to the processing and answering questions concerning the content of Desperate Dependency: Finding Christ Relevant to Every Area of Life.
  • Recorded discussions regarding Insight Journal responses and blocks to spiritual development.
  • Observing group participation that facilitates a deeper understanding.
  • Application of the Fruit of the Spirit and its counterfeits.

NOTE: This class is NOT eligible for a Certificate of Completion to be applied toward Biblical Church Counselor training.

Choose Desperate Dependency LIVE Class Cohort 301 if you would like to participate in group interactions and personal mentoring. Desperate Dependency LIVE Class Cohort 301 is eligible for a Certificate of Completion to be applied toward Biblical Church Counselor training.

*Choose the Desperate Dependency LIVE Class Cohort 301 Bundle to receive the eBook AND videos along with access to the Marriages that Minister Class Cohort discussions and mentoring AND Marriages that Minister Recorded Class Cohorts 303R .

Meet your teachers: Kirk and Melanie Lewis

For decades Kirk and Melanie Lewis have ministered as a team, challenging people to an authentic relationship with Jesus Christ. As counselors, they are committed to using biblical principles to facilitate healing and liberate weary souls from emotional bondage. Their counsel is founded upon the belief that Jesus Christ is the center of well-being and that the Bible is our authority.

Kirk and Melanie engage and encourage Christian leaders to find Christ relevant to every area of life through the ministries of Desperately Dependent Community in Chattanooga, TN.

Come join us on the journey to Desperate Dependency: Finding Christ Relevant to Every Area of Life.

More Testimonials


The Desperate Dependency course is a great way to intentionally focus on your walk with the Lord while growing alongside others. The class helped me pinpoint where I was getting distracted in my relationship with God and also put many scriptures into context. It helped me work tangibly with passages and meditate on how I was applying God's truths to my life. This class is helpful for anyone who wants to be challenged and grow the next layer deep with God. –Meghan

After reading Desperate Dependency and following the progression of each chapter and section, I was able to understand God's practical applications for my life much more deeply. The tools like the Evaluation of Desperate Dependency in Psalm 119 produced a reality of my dependence or lack of dependence on God. Insight Journal questions make you think and study on what you believe. The charts and diagrams are helpful to connect to God's design for everything, and in every area of my life. I am still trying to understand the Fruit Chart in some of the Fruit of the Spirit counterfeits, but it provides a resource for my daily struggles as a starting place to seek God. Desperate Dependency pointed me to Jesus in every chapter. He was always the focus of each weekly study. This ministry of teaching has been very impactful and has changed my life. It is all a literal Biblical based source for pointing me/us to Christ. I'm grateful you put this together over many years for me and so many others to benefit. Thank you. –Tim 

This wasn’t my first time taking this, but this class is a good one to repeat. No matter how much I learn and grow, there is always more learning and growing to do and this class and book are a great tool to check myself and either get back on track or march forward in my journey closer to God. I really appreciate the tools such as the Anger Tree, Fruit Chart, and especially the concepts used in Bad Belief Good God. Utilizing those things has helped me so much on a practical way in my everyday life. If you’re feeling empty, frustrated, unfulfilled, or a whole host of things other than peace, fulfillment, and joy — this class can help you to pinpoint what may be awry. I wholeheartedly recommend it. –Mindy

I would definitely recommend this class to anyone considering taking it. It challenged me to seek Christ desperately and revealed underlying heart issues that were keeping me from Christ. It also helped guide me in that process. I'm better able to see that the answer isn't in man-made solutions and philosophies, but in Christ. It doesn't only do that, but it helps guide me to see what it means that Jesus is the answer. 

Any Christian who has problems in their lives would benefit from this course. In fact, anyone with problems in their life would benefit from this course since this course seeks to show how to see more clearly how Jesus is the answer to every problem area in our life. –David

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