About This Class

iProcess Class 202

Class 202

iProcess Class

Are you discouraged, anxious, depressed, or burned out?

Are you floundering in your purpose, meaning, worth, or value?

Are you having difficulty finding your direction and place in the world?

Does Christianity have no demonstratable impact on your life?

Does Christ seem to be distant?

Are you struggling with your power to live?

iProcess Class 202 invites you to address your taxing issues and experience the peace of God through developing your identity in Christ, cultivating intimacy with Christ, and gratefully living out your love for Christ.

Videos that correspond with each chapter of iProcess will help you gain a fresh view of God and your identity from His perspective.


iProcess Class 202 will challenge you to embrace your identity in Christ which creates intimacy with Christ and compels industry for Christ.


As a result of taking this course, participants will:

1.    Consider the significance of identity in Christ based on embracing God’s perspective.

2.    Develop an identity in Christ that creates intimacy with Christ.

3.    Demonstrate grateful love for God through compelled industry.


  • 8 lessons covering the content of iProcess: identity in Christ, intimacy with Christ, industry for Christ.
  • Over 8 videos elaborating on the nuances of iProcess’s content.
  • An in-depth study of God’s character and how it impacts my identity.
  • Insight Journal prompts to promote spiritual development and maturity.
  • Additional resources for additional insights.

Meet your teachers: Kirk and Melanie Lewis

For decades, Kirk and Melanie Lewis have ministered as a team, challenging people to an authentic relationship with Jesus Christ. As counselors, they are committed to using Biblical principles to facilitate healing and liberate weary souls from emotional bondage. Their counsel is founded upon the belief that Jesus Christ is the center of well-being and that the Bible is the authority. Through the consistent application of Biblical truths, they have fostered a community of compassionate caregivers who strive to point others to find Christ relevant to every area of life. 

Desperately Dependent Community exists to engage and encourage Christian leaders to find Christ relevant to every area of life. It’s a genuine struggle in this sinful world, even for those in Christian leadership positions. Culture seduces us to seek solutions to ease our pain. But still, we end up feeling that something is missing. The passion of DDCommunity is to promote Christ as the solution to every issue.


I would recommend this course for ANYONE. It’s a foundational and practical help to answer life’s deepest questions, why am I here? Who am I? What is my purpose? I found it to be backed with biblical truth that gave me encouragement and hope, as well as tools to consider my purpose. The videos are helpful to further explain each chapter.

– Rashelle

The principles offered in this iProcess course have been instrumental in my life, challenging my distorted views of God and, in turn, the way I see myself. One of the key things I have learned through this is that when my life falls apart, it’s directly related to my identity. I can almost always go back and see where I am believing some inaccurate view of God or that I’m not living in the truth of who HE says I am. Thus, believing and living in lies rather than truth. This then affects my intimacy with Him and my compelled industry. Learning these concepts has been life changing for me and has brought me to a more focused understanding of who God is.

– Jennifer

This course has enriched my understanding of my relationship with Christ. The iProcess breaks down, into bite size pieces the steps needed to understand who we are and our purpose in life. The course is chocked full of truth presented through scripture. If someone wants to gain insight into what the Bible says about why you have breath, I would recommend this program.

– Misty

Frequently Asked Questions

When will this class be offered?

iProcess Class 202 is available any time that you are! This is structured to work at your own pace.

Is iProcess Class 202 eligible for a Certificate of Completion?

This course does not offer a Certificate of Completion. Biblical Church Counselor training does not require a Certificate of Completion for iProcess Class 202.

What if I purchased the wrong course?

If you purchased the wrong course, please Contact Us as soon as possible so we may refund your money and get you signed up for the right course.

What is the refund policy?

In general, all students purchasing content within Teachable are entitled to a 14-day refund from the date of purchase.

Is there a minimum class size?


Can I access my class on my phone?

Teachable does offer an iOS app.

How can I contact you?

Feel free to email us at [email protected].

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